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Nepal's Democracy: A Rickshaw on a Donkey Trail

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Nepal's democracy is a rickshaw trying to navigate a donkey trail. It sputtered to life in 1990, kicking the king off the throne with a resounding "yackety-yak!" Sure, they hold elections where the winner gets the keys, but those keys seem to get hotter than tandoori chicken and get passed around faster than a rupee note at a festival.

The "rulebook" they wrote to keep things fair? More like a dusty scroll gathering cobwebs in a forgotten temple. Politicians are lining their pockets faster than a yak herder in a blizzard, while the people they're supposed to serve are left with nothing but a prayer wheel and a sigh. And forget about equality – some folks are treated like the spare tire on a rickshaw, never getting a turn.

Lately, things have gotten about as smooth as yak butter on a hot day. The guy at the wheel tried to ditch the whole ride, but the judges slapped him back on course faster than you can say "Dal Bhat!" Shows you how stable this democracy is, doesn't it?

Nepal's democracy needs a Sherpa to guide it through this Khumbu Icefall of problems. Politicians need to ditch the squabbling like monkeys in a banana tree and start working together. Greedier than a leech on a hiker's leg? Get out! This democracy needs everyone pulling the rope, not just a select few clinging to the top.

Nepal's democratic dream is in danger of turning into a yeti sighting – a blurry myth whispered in the wind. They need to fix this rickshaw before it gets buried deeper than a prayer flag on Everest.

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